2024 MAIC Qld Student Bionics Challenge Rules and Conditions

Eligibility to participate

Team participation in the 2024 MAIC Qld Student Bionics Innovation Challenge is open to all Queensland university students (undergraduate, honours, masters and PhD).

Students enrolled in medicine, health, engineering or allied health programs at universities  are invited to enter. Those enrolled at regional universities are strongly encouraged to enter the competition.

General Requirements

Entrants to the 2024 MAIC QLD Student Bionics Innovation Challenge must demonstrate the relevance of their idea or project to the needs of individuals impacted by road accident injuries and/or road accident-related trauma, disability and disease.

Bionics devices and treatments typically include prostheses, implants, devices, electrical stimulation, artificial organs and AI-enabled devices that replace or improve human functionality and/or stimulate the brain, nerves, muscle or tissue regeneration. Advances in sensors, sensing and control systems, soft robotics, tissue engineering and biofabrication, smart wearables and digital health services expand the options of bionic innovators and end-users.

All teams must have a nominated project leader with the remaining team members providing a mix of researchers, engineers and technologists.

Specific Terms and Conditions

1 – Registration and submission of entries for the MAIC QLD Student Bionics Challenge must be completed online by the published deadlines.

2 – Teams intending to compete for the MAIC QLD Student Bionics Challenge Major Prize should read all information and requirements on our website before registering and submitting their application to enter the Challenge and uploading their application.

3 – Students are welcome to submit applications for bionic devices, implants or treatments developed as an in-class assignment, OR innovations developed in a start-up or small business setting. All participating students must be enrolled as university students in a health, medicine, engineering, science, design, business or technology-based degree program. 

4 – All entrants should familiarise themselves with the definition of ‘bionics’ provided online and our MAIC QLD Student Bionics Challenge theme of Innovating in Medical Bionics to Transform the Lives of those impacted by Trauma/Injury and related Disability or Disease. All proposed innovations by teams must align with one or more of the innovation domains: (1) Bionic Mobility, (2) Bionic Senses, (3) Bionic Implants and Organs, or (4) Brain-Computer Interfaces, Neurobionics and Electroceuticals.

5A minimum of three and a maximum of five team members is required in each Bionics Challenge team.

The MAIC QLD Student Bionics Challenge is open to Queensland-based teams only.

The winning teams will share in $15,000 cash, to be allocated and expended in line with each Team’s agreed project plan and milestones (included in a Deed of Grant signed by Bionics Gamechangers Australia and the recipient).

Cash prizes must be expended by student teams on project-specific consumables, research, information/research and day-to-day costs that support the winners’ further development of their project or innovation. In most cases, the monies are managed by the institution where the Project Leader is enrolled.

If the Project Leader or student team has their own Australian Business Number (ABN), a Deed of Grant and the cash prize can be arranged directly with the start-up/small business.

All winning teams must participate in a customised Mentoring and Acceleration Program delivered by Bionics Gamechangers Australia.

6All teams must have: a nominated project leader with the remaining team members providing an appropriate mix of researchers, engineers and technologists.

7 – Team submissions of all materials and presentations required to progress through to the Initial Pitch Event and subsequent Challenge Judging must adhere to all related guidelines and  criteria that is progressively shared with entrants on this website. A failure to do so could disqualify a team.

8 – The application submitted to Bionics Gamechangers Australia should include a project title, the name of the Project Leader, the names of all other participants and required content as outlined on this website. You may also wish to include a list of roles and skill sets that each team member brings to the project.

9 – The Project Leader of a team must notify the Challenge organiser (Bionics Gamechangers Australia) of any expected changes or issues that arise with team membership after the closing date for entries. Steps must be taken to maintain a minimum of three participants through to and during the staging of the final judging event. Any changes in team members at any point during the Challenge must be approved by Bionics Gamechangers Australia.

10All team members must make themselves available to participate in judging events and the winners’ publicity campaign on specific dates as nominated by the Challenge organisers.

11 – Prior to registration, Students should identify and remove any unprotected intellectual property included in written submissions or pitch presentations that is owned by individual team members, other individuals, or organisations.

Any data or information discussed or divulged in public sessions by entrants should be considered information that could enter the public realm, and entrants should not assume any right of confidentiality in data or information divulged in these sessions. Due to the nature of this Challenge, our judges, reviewers, staff or the audience are not obligated and will not be asked to sign non-disclosure statements (NDAs). If a team uses copyrighted materials and/or images from a third party in their submissions or presentations, they must obtain permission in advance and identify the source.

12 – If selected as a MAIC Qld Student Bionics Challenge prize winner, the project leader will be allocated a cash prize. Winners must:

  • provide details of how the cash prize will be exclusively used for project expenses aligned to milestone activities and achievements, and
  • agree to a schedule and timeframe for team reporting and engage with Bionics Gamechangers Australia on the progress of the project.

13 – Team members are responsible for any tax implications that might arise as a result of accepting cash payments from Bionics Gamechangers Australia.

14 – All teams are required to participate in media and press opportunities related to the Challenge, including media interviews and statements released to the media in oral and written form.

All Challenge team members sign a waiver allowing Bionics Gamechangers Australia the right to photograph and film their participation during the Challenge events and post-judging publicity campaign for marketing purposes. Participation in media and press opportunities does not require teams to disclose any proprietary or otherwise confidential information related to their research, business or product concepts.

Bionics Challenge 2022

Delivered in partnership with the Motor Accident Insurance Commission (Queensland), the Challenge has again provided $300,000 in combined cash prizes, mentoring and acceleration.

Major Partner

MAIC logo
Motor Accident Insurance Commission

The Motor Accident Insurance Commission (MAIC) Queensland is our major funding partner. The rehabilitation of Queenslanders impacted by road accident trauma, disabilities and chronic health conditions underpins our highly valued partnership.


QUT logo
University of Queensland logo
University of the Sunshine Coast logo
Metro North Health logo